
LED technology and strategies for action

LED chip and lighting array maker Bridgelux Inc of Livermore, CA, USA and the Bay Area Climate Collaborative (BACC) are collaborating to accelerate the market for advanced streetlighting technologies through the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative, a region-wide project to upgrade 200,000+ municipal streetlights to LED technology.BACC is a public-private partnership initiative of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, launched by regional civic and business leaders in 2009 to accelerate the Bay Area clean energy economy through high-impact, market-oriented projects that can be replicated and scaled. Partners include Bank of America, Pacific Gas & Electric, the Environmental Defense Fund and local governments representing over led flood light of the Bay Area population. In partnership with the UC Davis California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC), BACC is delivering education, tools and guidance through the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative in order to accelerate the move to next-generation streetlighting.

Bridgelux delivers solutions to replace traditional lamp and luminaire technologies with solid-state products that provide white light for fast-growing interior and exterior application areas such as streetlights, track and down-lights.Bridgelux’s sponsorship of the initiative will support outreach to Bay Area municipalities on the LED lighting opportunity, as well as the development of key resources – such as the recently published guide ‘Next generation streetlights: LED technology and strategies for action’ – which deliver education and specific steps for streetlight conversions. With the ultimate goal of pooling regional interest in LED streetlight conversions to secure improved purchase and financing terms, the initiative will serve as a business model that local governments can replicate to upgrade streetlights at lower costs, relieving municipal budgets. Over five years, regional upgrades could deliver up to $50m in reduced costs for local governments, over 100,000 metrics tons of CO2 avoidance, and many jobs, it is reckoned.

“As one of the fastest-growing US-based producers of LED lighting solutions, we are dedicated to producing solid-state light sources that deliver high efficacy and reduced system costs,” says Bridgelux’s led high bay light  “Initiatives that help scale the LED lighting market are critical to realizing savings and increasing adoption, but first the practical business case must be made. With the Bay Area Next Generation Streetlight Initiative, the BACC is providing straightforward, up-to-the-minute information that equips local governments with the guidance they need to make informed decisions about streetlight upgrades,” he adds.

