The financial report recently published for Taiwan LED manufacture 2Q
performance shows LED packaging manufacturers are fairing far better than the
majority of wafer manufacturers whom are still in a state of deficit. Among
seven packaging manufactures on the market all experienced gains this quarter
aside from Bright LED Electronics Corp and Harvatek whom had profit loss of
NT$0.07 and NT$0.44. Edison Otp and PARA Light were able to turn their profits
around this quarter, and Everlight still was able to maintain a good performance
with EPS NT$ 0.9, keeping their top spot.
LED packaging manufacture Everlight was able to maintain their last quarter
performance with consolidated revenue for Q2 of NT$597.1 million, their highest
to date. The company maintained precise control over developmental costs. On top
of that, with utilization rates for production capacity increased 80 percent and
higher, new technology and products released, this quarter’s gross margin still
maintained 26.3 percent, surpassing that of last quarter’s 22.49 percent.
Aside from Everlight, LED Tech Electronics and PARA Light have also locked
their center of operations this year at increasing gross margin performance.
Through adjustment to their operation strategy, LEDTech Electronics raised their
2Q gross margin to 30.88 percent, higher than last quarter’s 29.70 percent and
last year’s 2Q 27.6 percent. Due to the operation being locked at the low range
lighting niche market, this quarter’s gross margin was higher than that of
Everlight making it the highest for LED packaging manufactures. PARA Light
through eliminating low gross margins and negative gross margin placement orders
and at the same time raising gross margin product market proportions, the
company was able to increase the 2Q consolidated gross margin to 27.27 percent,
with a quarterly increase of 6.25 percent and yearly increase of 11.46 percent
helping the company out of the red for 2Q.
This year’s focus for Edison was on expanding their market scale. The company
originally focused on the high range LED market, but this year it has begun to
actively expand low-to-mid range PLCC production capacity and also aggressively
enter the Chinese Market where products have a relatively lower gross